The Sixty-Minute Poet

In the age of social media, television and electronics, poetry is often overlooked. Through poetry, the voiceless get a voice, the timid find courage, and the thoughts and feelings that would otherwise stay hidden, are shared. Mary and Forrest Heaton Publications has created this short, sixty-minute, self-taught poetry-writing course e-book. Why? Because there isn’t anything else like it out there. Most books or courses on writing poetry are way too detailed, too long, too ineffectual. If it were otherwise, we’d have a much larger portion of kids and adults worldwide writing poetry! Click the link below and purchase your copy today! In sixty-minutes, you can learn to express yourself through poetry!



“Forrest, dear, I took your ‘test’ And I tried to do my best! Loved the process, loved the rhyme, Now writing poems all the time! For this, my friend, you are to blame, and now I’ll never be the same. I can’t stop rhyming, as you see, a poet you have made of me!”
– Mindy D., Pastor, Chapel Hill, NC

“I am now a Sixty-Minute Poet. I loved the style of the book—relaxed, encouraging, non-judgmental and personal. I wrote my first poem to express my feelings as our daughter moves away to the Pacific Northwest for grad school. I’ll present her with my effort; she’ll be touched. The book worked for me and will work for many, many others; a lovely book. Wow, thanks for a fun 60 minutes.”
– Donna R., College President, State of Michigan

“I consider your book a masterpiece of effective teaching. It is clear, precise, follows an outline and sticks with it. The expectations are clear and the timed part of your curriculum is very effective because it focuses each of us for short bursts of time. . . . I wish college professors would learn from your approach and adopt it. It works.”
– Jack B., MD, Chapel Hill, NC

“I completed the book and some poems in almost exactly 60 minutes! . . . . Even though I have written a lot of poetry, I never felt as if poetry was my forte. To me, poetry was intimidating and it caused me to feel self-conscious. While I thoroughly enjoy and respect poetry, I have not attempted it for many years now. That being said, I really enjoyed reading the book and the writing activities. It made poetry much more accessible to me. I would not say that I am suddenly a fantastic poet, but I do feel much less intimidated. Your writing was pleasant and easy to follow; it made me feel at ease. Overall, I feel poetry much more enjoyable to attempt with this aid.”
– Megan G., Graduating College Senior, Chapel Hill, NC

“I finished the course in approximately 50 minutes. The course worked, it was fun, and it helped me have a better understanding of poetry and how to get started writing it. The part I found most difficult was ‘meter;’ the ‘meter tips’ were helpful. Previously, poetry wasn’t fun for me; this is the first time I’ve really felt comfortable with writing my own poems. It’s really well-written. Good job!”
— Savannah P., High School Junior, Raleigh, NC

“It took me a week to settle down to the quiet moments for myself. I truly enjoyed your reflections—found myself thinking poetically before the exercise, just getting ready. I wrote ideas I did not want to admit to myself. I liked the stories, history lessons and poems. If you get a few more people thinking poetically you have succeeded! I will try to continue to see beauty and poetry and write more of it. Many thanks.”
– Jennelle W., MD, Chapel Hill, NC

“I have been reading your book—which I find very thorough and helpful—when these lines interrupted me and I just had to dash them off to you!” (Six-line poem followed.) “So far, I’ve been reading for thirty minutes, have written two four-line poems (which actually rhyme) and will go back to see what else pops up! I am writing poetry—such fun!”
— Elizabeth K., Physical Therapist, Mother, Grandmother, Roanoke, VA

“I just read your book. It is excellent and it was quite fun! It did take me almost exactly 60 minutes. I would highly recommend it to novices and it would be great for English classes. I will be able to create some poems now. I didn’t ever think I had the ability. But you certainly did make it understandable and easy.”
— Kathy S., Entrepreneur/business owner, Albuquerque, NM