How do you price the priceless?

Like Teddy Roosevelt, we need to stand,

Protecting: values, heritage, culture, land!


©  F.W. Heaton   3 November 2017


On 24 October 2017, the National Park Service issued a press release proposing entrance fee increases at 17 parks “to address the maintenance backlog”.  This is both a complicated and an urgent issue: complicated because of the anti-national park/anti-environment positions of the current administration, urgent because of Congress’ lack of funding the national parks and, specifically, the $12 billion NPS maintenance backlog that has been building for years.

We do not object to fee increases for visiting our parks (many of which are visited at no charge and most of which are not involved in this current fee increase proposal) when warranted and carefully thought out.  Unfortunately, the current administration has no interest in what the public has to say on this issue, giving just a 30-day comment period which expires 23 November 2017.  


Here’s what we request you please consider doing:


Write Your Congressperson And Two Senators. Request that they:

-     Stand against this entrance fee increase as currently proposed.

-     Request NPS examine alternative fee proposals with longer public comment time.

-     Reject the current administration’s proposed 13% cut in the NPS budget.

-     Fund the $12 billion NPS maintenance backlog.


Contact Your Administration. If you click on the button below labeled TAKE ACTION NOW!, it will direct you to the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) website and walk you through sending the administration a comment. Once at the website, read the NPCA’s position and recommended letter of public comment.  If the letter reflects your feelings on the matter, follow these steps:

      Step 1.  Click the button “Copy To Clipboard”; puts letter on clipboard.

      (Note: If you are using a mobile device you will need to manually copy the letter.)

      Step 2.  Click “Go To The Comment Form”.

      Step 3.  Fill out your information and paste the letter into the Comments box.

      Step 4.  Click “Submit”.

It’s that easy to be heard! There is power in numbers, let’s do this together.

 Thank you, dear readers, for taking your stand!