National Park Week: What and when is it, and what might it mean to you?

Desiring less frazzle?  Inspiration you seek?

Search; click National Park Week!

16-23 April, two thousand-seventeen,

Your heritage celebrated!  Be part of the scene!

©  Forrest W. Heaton  April, 2017

Did you know that on National Park Week weekends, every park will give you FREE ADMISSION?  Did you know that kids of all ages earned JUNIOR RANGER BADGES in parks all across the country on April 15, Junior Ranger Day?  Do you have your plans set to CELEBRATE EARTH DAY, April 22?  If you answered "No" to any of these questions, go to to find countless exciting park visitation ideas--all guaranteed to reduce your frazzle, find your inspiration, celebrate your heritage, be part of the scene!


Check out this funny video from 2016. We know it's out of date but had to share it with you anyhow! Enjoy!