National Parks Conservation Association (

Please, America, come together,

Let your voice be heard;

It is our duty: leave land better,

Our Vote, Our Promise, Our Word!

© F.W. Heaton May, 2017


This is our first blog post since launching our new Heaton Publications website.  Welcome to the site and thanks to all who have subscribed to our blog; we’ll try to keep it interesting and fresh.  We are currently writing the blog to support both the poetry book and the national parks book; today’s post is on the parks.

Many of you have written asking for more information on the National Parks Conservation Association: who they are, what work do they do, and why did we chose their organization as opposed to another to whom to donate profits from sales of our eBook, The National Park Service Turns One Hundred.  In our judgment, those desiring to support our U.S. National Park System get the biggest bang for their buck donating to the NPCA for the following reasons:

-  Exclusive focus on the parks and programs of the National Park Service.

-  Staff has frequent contact with NPS employees.

-  Large national membership with regional representatives.

-  Willing to litigate important NPS issues.

Another good way to answer those questions is for us to blog about NPCA's blog, using their May, 2017 blog post, “Sometimes You Need A Little Hubris” by Joseph Goldstein, as an example.  We hope you find the information helpful and feel good that such a highly qualified organization has the back of all individuals with a passion for our parks.  We believe you’ll find this NPCA blog post powerful: