Can primed pumps write poems?

We’re hoping you kind subscribers to our Blog find enjoyment from time-to-time in reading our blog posts, usually without a whole lot of work on your part, other than perhaps preparing a beverage or settling into a comfortable chair for a few moments.  For this post, however, we’d like to ask a bit of work from you.  We would like you to please write a poem. 

 It turns out that we came across a website recently which proclaimed the 21st of August as National Poetry Day.  Not having heard of that before, and knowing that National Poetry Month in the U.S. is each April, and that the only country that we know of to have an official National Poetry Day is the UK, we did a bit more research.  As far as we can tell, the site proclaiming 21Aug as National Poetry Day is an unofficial group perhaps having fun with various proclamations and perhaps making a bit of money on the website.  Nevertheless, we decided, why not?  Why not ask our readers to write a poem on the 21st of August which, by the way, is the same day as the solar eclipse.  You see where we’re going with this.  Yes, we are asking each of you to write a poem about the solar eclipse upcoming this 21Aug.

 As you readers of our Sixty-Minute Poet eBook on Amazon know, when you’ve not done it, writing poems may appear to be a daunting task.  But we PROMISE you, if you read our eBook for an uninterrupted 60 minutes and perform the exercises asked of you during your read, you WILL be able to write poems.  The more you write, the faster they flow.  Who cares if they’re any good.  And, who’s to say which are “good” and which are not?  But, it almost always is both fun and a personal surprise that “you have it in you”.

 So, to prime your pump, we’ve prepared a few samples:


 Look, the sun,

Has come undone,

She's a shadow of her former self!




The moon's four hundred times smaller,

Yet looks bigger than she oughter,

Totally covering the sun today;

That's cuz the sun, four hundred times larger,

Looking like she needs a charger,

Is four hundred times farther away!




Out damn spot, out I say,

You're blocking the light today!


This is being posted on the 16th.  If you write your first poem about the upcoming solar eclipse today, and one for each of the next four days, you’ll be in great shape to write your Solar Eclipse poem on the 21st!  For any of you who might be willing to share, we’d love to read any you wish to send!