The Number One issue of our time?

Fire Brigade


In the days of the fire brigade,

All grabbed bucket and pitched in;

It mattered not one’s belief or trade,

Save structure and all therein!


Though goal’s the same, fire’s global in grade,

Covers planet and all therein;

Six billion at risk without this brigade,

Tipping point: sun’s fire doing us in!


The evidence is clear, you cannot duck it,

This is urgent, you’re needed now;

Accept the science, grab hold of your bucket,

Do your part and teach others how!


©  F.W. Heaton April 2018


Blogger Neven Curlin, an environmentalist who began his Arctic Sea Ice blog in 2010, has advised he has stopped writing about climate change because “it’s too depressing”: “It’s like watching a train wreck in slow motion.”


Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree that humans are causing the acceleration of the heating of the planet, predominantly through the use of fossil fuels—coal, gas, oil—for the production of energy. Sadly, when the United States should be leading all nations in addressing this challenge, we have elected an Administration and Congress (beholden to oil, gas and coal industry donors) who are taking us and those in the world who would follow in precisely the opposite direction. Whereas the six and a half billion people living on the earth are dramatically aware of major changes in their living conditions—changes in temperature, weather patterns, storms, agricultural production, etc.—many or most are uneducated as to the causes and science behind the causes. All living things on the planet are at risk.  

We have written three blog posts as a trilogy on the subject of Global Climate Change that we intend to follow this one, each to publish perhaps two weeks apart. We feel this is the Number One issue of our time. Thank you for your interest and work on this challenge.