Our government is hiding truth, telling lies?

Hide Truth, Tell Lies


Hide truth, tell lies,

The people receive;

Do it often enough,

The people believe!


© F.W. Heaton  May 2018


Two Polar-Opposite Responses to Global Climate Change/Rising Sea-Levels. We write this blog post as a follow-up to our April/May trilogy of Global Climate Change posts, this post discussing two polar-opposite responses to the same phenomena—global climate change, more frequent and more violent storms, and rising sea-levels. Most climate change deniers postulate that, since its inception, planet Earth has gone through heating/cooling/heating cycles and we are currently experiencing just another cycle. Their lack of study into the causes and current rate of acceleration as well as their lack of empathy for the life/ways of life threatened by these changes is staggering. It is because life itself is so threatened all over the globe that we place such emphasis on the citizens of the world to demand TRUTH rather than fiction from their elected representatives and to take ACTION, to the fullest extent possible, to save life/ways of life NOW!

The first response to Global Climate Change/Rising Sea-Levels that we would like to highlight is from the The Southeast Florida Climate Compact.  Established in 2009, this intergovernmental collaboration between Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Monroe counties is working in partnership to address the climate change challenges threatening the region. The lessons being learned, actions taken and actions in planning stages will be of immense value to the Southeast Florida region as well as to other regions of the U.S. and around the world who might be less advanced in addressing these challenges. Civic leader and recipient of numerous environmental and community involvement awards, Harvey Ruvin, has written an instructive Miami HeraldOp-Ed article summarizing the work and plans of the Southeast Florida Climate Compact. Should you search his credentials on the internet, you will be impressed.  For his Op-Ed article, please click the below button:

The second outlook on Global Climate Change/Rising Sea-Levels that we want to highlight is from The National Park Service under the current administration. Mary’s & my most recent visit to Everglades National Park was February 2018. This visit was exceptional for two primary reasons: 1) the threats to life/ways of life from global climate change/rising sea-levels are on full view for all to see and 2) we experienced first-hand the hiding of the truth/telling of lies by the current administration under Mr. Trump and Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke. The Everglades itself remains spectacular; it’s just that some people are messing it up. We’ve just published our Park Visit summary in the “Parks” section of our website; to access the visit summary, please click the below button: