Wall Poetry?

Wall Poetry


A reader was thinking about Mary & me,

And wrote to let us know;

That just down the road is “Wall Poetry,”

And recommended we should go.


In downtown Charlotte, just a two-hour drive,

North Carolina poets on display;

“Murals that bring poetry to the people”

In the midst of their work and play!


© Forrest W. Heaton  July 2018


Every so often a blog should start out with a test just to see who’s paying attention. So, here goes: 

1 How many walls in downtown Charlotte NC sport a huge poem by a North Carolina poet?

2 When did Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands first start their wall poem project? How many wall poems currently exist in Leiden?

3 What has been the reception of bringing poetry to the people in this way?

4 How many of these projects have you personally seen?

Well, Mary & I have some idea of the answers to numbers 1 thru 3 but must confess to our “None” for number 4 . . . but not for long! 

Wall Poem.png

Beth Cooper, friend and neighbor and blog subscriber, having read our 9Jun18 blog “Blog Readers = Poetry Leaders,” wrote to us asking if we were aware of the wall poems of Charlotte NC, expressing it was a “lovely idea” and providing a link for us to check out. No, we were not aware of either Charlotte’s wall poems nor the wall poetry projects around the world. We do, however, love the idea—bringing poetry into places of work and play for poetry to become important in the lives of people everywhere. 

We’re in hopes many of you will have as much fun as we did learning about these projects and will consider including them in your travels. Below are two links to get you started.