Blog Hiatus Continues?

A Limerick, A Free-Flow, A Sonnet


A limerick, a free-flow, a sonnet,

As I write, I’m thinking up-on-it;

Surgery upcoming,

Hope they know about numbing,

Hope this keeps us connected a bit.


© Forrest W. Heaton

30 April 2019


You’ve Stuck With Our Blog With A Smile!!!


We moved from our home, not a mile we did roam

To new apartment in Galloway Ridge;

Planned Blog hiatus, more time that gave us

In moving transition mid-bridge, “what goes where?!”

In moving transition mid-bridge!


Then Duke surgeon’s news: “Can no longer use

Excuses to delay procedure;

Fuse C 2 to T 1, may not sound like much fun

But most patients are better for sure, my son,

Most patients are better for sure.”


Thus this poetic dialogue regarding you and our Blog,

Our hiatus must continue a while;

Until fully recover, then hope we discover

You’ve stuck with our Blog with a smile, Thanks, Dear Ones!!!,

You’ve stuck with our Blog with a smile!!!


© Forrest W. Heaton

30 April 2019


Poetic Reflection, Orthopedic Protection


For my third poem in this post, I was going to write a sonnet here entitled “Poetic Reflection, Orthopedic Protection,” only my second sonnet of my life. Although fun writing I’m sure, with three weeks before surgery and much house-selling/apartment moving-in yet to complete, the sonnet will have to wait. We’ll look forward to resuming within two months our writing on Parks, Poetry & Planet. In the meantime, Thank You to each of you for sticking with our Blog with a smile!!! We send our Love. Mary & Forrest

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