Will you be our Valentine?

Will You Be Our Valentine?

We Love You!

Each one of you!

Will you be our Valentine?

© Mary & Forrest Heaton  February 2020



We are certain all Heaton Publications Blog readers have already written a love poem to give to their sweetheart, special friend, pastor, mother, father, cat, dog, sister, brother, (you get the idea) this coming Friday, 14 February, Valentine’s Day! However, if there are a few of you out there who have not already done so, we’ve written this blog post as a bit of encouragement to get you off your duff to write your stuff! 


And, as all of you know from reading our book, The Sixty-Minute Poet, “it doesn’t have to be ‘good’, it doesn’t have to have meter, it doesn’t have to rhyme. It just has to come from your heart!


We’ll give you a few lines to think about to help you get started . . . .


I’m Afraid

I’ve not written a poem before

And I’m afraid I’ll be a bore

And . . . I’m afraid to ask if you’ll be my Valentine? But, OK, here goes, will you be?


My First Poem

Roses are red

Violets are blue

This is my first poem

I write it to YOU!

Will you be my Valentine?


In First Grade

In first grade,

When five or six;

We’d make Valentines,

Seal envelopes with licks.

Then give to a friend,

Hoping they would say “Yes!”

What was the question?

Can you guess?


My Love Will Have Her Poem

We’ve been married for these nineteen years,

But no poem . . . from me . . . until now;

This inspiration has caused perspiration,

And a furrow upon my brow.


With pen in hand and blank sheet of paper,

I’m eager for the words to come,

But I must admit, I feel I may quit,

If no words when I am done.


But, wait, what’s this? Poetic bliss!

The words are pouring out!

They even rhyme . . . and in metered time!

Not knowing who to thank, I shout:


“Poetry Gods—I sing praise to you!

My love will have her poem!

And after nineteen years, I’ve finally come through,

Except . . . what rhymes with ‘poem’?”


So, Dear Ones, the rest is up to you. Have fun!