. . . seize this opportunity?

To Live What These Words Say

1619, twenty kidnapped black Africans,

Purchased by whites, Jamestown Colony;

2019, 400th Anniversary,

Of brutal racial inequality.

“All men,” Jefferson wrote, “are created equal,”

But we have looked the other way;

Now 2020, we can seize this opportunity,

To live what these words say!

© Forrest W. Heaton 9 June 2020

Since the 25 May 2020 death of George Floyd at the hands of four members of the Minneapolis, Minnesota police, the U.S. and the world have witnessed an historic outpouring of long-pent-up anger and grief via televised worldwide demonstrations protesting America’s systemic racism, inequality and police brutality. In 1619, a ship named the White Lion carrying kidnapped Africans from what now is Angola sailed into Jamestown, Virginia Colony. Approximately 20 blacks were purchased by the white Jamestown colonists launching 400 years of racial injustice in what has become the United States of America. 

In all, the trans-Atlantic slave trade ran from the early 1500’s to the mid-1800’s, enslaving twelve million Africans: 5 million to Brazil, 3 million to the Caribbean, 400,000 to North America. This was illegal/amoral subjugation of one race by another for the sole purpose of free labor. All agree witnessing these May/June 2020 protests, the causes and emotions run long and deep. Resolution will be a large and complicated challenge. But most witnesses agree: this opportunity for these reparations/resolutions must not be missed. We have a lot of work to do.

While in Houston for George Floyd’s Memorial Service 8May20, Joe Biden was asked his feelings about the protests and the overall situation. Biden replied: “All the young white men and women marching with all the young black men and women gives me hope!” We agree. We feel “hope” is the key ingredient on the journey to reparations/resolutions—sustaining us on the path through disappointment, failure, lack of leadership to celebration, success, inspired leadership.

If you’ve not already seen it, we encourage you to click the link below to view Joe Biden’s 5-minute video remarks at George Floyd’s 9 May Memorial Service in Houston—honoring George Floyd’s life, uplifting the Floyd family, inspiring hope for citizens of all nations, and encouraging all of us in the United States of America to action to correct these 401-year wrongs. We have a lot of work to do.

George Floyd with his daughter Gianna (undated photo)

George Floyd with his daughter Gianna (undated photo)