Guest Author, Suz Robinson. . .

The Atlantic recently published an excellent article on the varying qualities of friendships, some deeper, some less so. In a subsequent discussion about the article with friends, one of our friends, Suz Robinson, advised the discussion precipitated her thinking through and then writing this piece. She shared it with Mary & me as a potential Guest Author Blog post. We immediately said “Thank You and Yes!"

Suz’s love of nature is evident in her writing. And, from the photos she included, her love of animals of all stripes comes through as well. When we asked her about her writing, Suz advised: “I have a strong belief that we’re all one as sentient beings.” So, thanks, Suz, for offering these thoughts for the enjoyment of our readers!


Several years ago I was speaking with my elderly aunt, who resided in a quaint village located just outside of Ithaca, NY.  She mesmerized me that day as she spoke about the one minute vacation she had just taken.  My uncle had frustrated her so she had walked outside to hang up some clothes as a brief respite.  On her way to the clothesline she encountered a red-winged dragonfly that stopped her in her tracks.  

“You know, Suzi, as I watched that dragonfly, time stood still.  I thought to myself, ‘Oh beautiful gift, I have never seen anything like you before!’  I watched in amazement as it hovered above our sunflowers, first visiting one; then another and finally resting upon a third.  Before I realized it half an hour had passed and I realized I had been one with that dragonfly.  I was no longer angry with your Uncle Don.  No, instead, I loved everything and everyone.  Have you ever experienced these one minute vacations?”

As I recalled this conversation, tears of gratitude flowed from my eyes.  I have learned the lesson of loving myself by delving deeply within my depths, visiting my inner demons, releasing them, and forgiving myself.  As I have risen anew, I have discovered an inner light within me that acknowledges multiple one minute vacations, which I call one minute blessings.   

For example, earlier this week I met a neighbor for a morning walk. He could hardly wait to show me the hickory nut he had just discovered. The two of us stood in silence as we viewed the shell.  I immediately thought to myself, “Wow! This looks just like the bottom of a turtle shell. Turtle symbolism … walk in peace with fortitude and serenity.  How wise that squirrel was to realize the rest of the shell had no nut and offered it to us instead.”

And then this morning while walking another neighbor’s dog, I came across a spider web highlighted with the rising sun as its light filtered through the tree leaves.  This spider’s message was a reminder that I am an infinite being, as is she. Each of us continually weaves unique patterns as we journey through life.  How refreshing it was to know that love such as this surrounds me whenever I walk quietly enough to view nature’s miracles.

Finally I return home.  Here the warm embrace of my  four–legged companions awaits me.  A joy, peace and serenity that cannot be expressed in words embraces me.  Carli, my golden retriever pup, and her best friend, Esprit, fill my soul.

It is at these times I sit with the words of Lao Tzu, 

“She who is centered in the Tao can go
where she wishes without danger.  She
perceives the universal harmony, even amid
great pain, because she has found peace in her heart.”

And so I awaken each morning ever more grateful for being alive in this moment in time, with the teachings from Aunt Betty enmeshed within my heart.