Deb Haaland?

Mother Earth

Stopping burning coal and oil that release greenhouse gases

for some will prove difficult to do.

But wind and solar will soon take over and transform all but a few.

If there were a time to turn federal land management over to caregivers of Mother Earth,

The time is now, and it is happening now, 500,000 acres in re-birth!

Deb Haaland, U.S. Representative, 1st Congressional District, New Mexico,

Native American, confirmed Secretary of the Interior, her stand:

“I’ll be fierce for all of us, our planet, and all of our protected land.”

© Forrest Heaton March 2021 

For at least a year, we’ve been following Deb Haaland, Democratic Congresswoman from New Mexico, Native American, tribal citizen of the Laguna Pueblo. The Biden-Harris administration nominated Haaland to be Secretary of the Interior, the first Native American Cabinet Secretary. Today Haaland was confirmed by the Senate to be just that.

As the Washington Post reported 25Feb21, “Alexander Stuart, the third interior secretary, once declared that the United States’ mission was to ‘civilize or exterminate’ native people. The Interior Department has done much to carry out that terrible mission, with the seizure of tribal lands, forced assimilation of Native American children and much more.” The nomination and confirmation of Deb Haaland to encourage her 70,000 plus employees to begin to right these wrongs and protect these lands is huge.
