Surrounded by negative, what do you do to stay positive . . . ?

Being Positive And Thankful and Kind

The mind needs time out now and then,

To remember back . . . remember when:

Family and friends . . . were together . . .combined.

Virus . . . war . . . injustice . . . isolation,

Stress . . .  trauma . . . grief . . . dislocation:

Require balanced adaptation, peace of mind.

Thus, masked . . . distanced . . . washed . . . but out,

Museum . . . restaurant . . . ballet . . . about:

Healthy minds help solve problems, we’ll find.

Purpose: find Joy . . . helping all that you can,

Achieve their dreams . . . the hopes that they plan:

Being positive and thankful and kind.

© Forrest W. Heaton March 2022

Mary & I live in a CCRC, a Continuing Care and Retirement Community. Various committees have been formed over the years made up of both staff and residents to assure the currently approximately 460 residents and 250 staff are physically well and mentally happy. In late February, we were advised of (and signed up for) an upcoming program which involved reading a book, viewing a film (entitled Mission: Joy -- Finding Happiness in Troubled Times), and then participating in a guided discussion—all regarding a new book “The Book of Joy” by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and assisted by Douglas Abrams. We have read the book, viewed the film, and participated in a 31 March guided discussion.

Tutu and the Dalai Lama are experiencing the same or similar negatives such as Coronavirus and the Russo-Ukrainian war that all of us are experiencing. They also have experienced personal and national adversity which have negatively and significantly affected their lives. Yet, as is shown by both their lives and this book, people worldwide who know them well feel the two are among the happiest people on earth! Perennially! Considering the circumstances of their lives, how is this possible? 

Questions any one of us might ask of these two spiritual leaders might include: 

How do you deal with anger and frustration?

How best we approach anxiety and depression?

How can we best avoid loneliness?

You have gone through great pain and sorrow, yet you remain happy. How do you do that?

We separate joy and sorrow, yet you link them together. How so?

You say we need to express kindness/compassion for others. How best to do that? 

You encourage love and passion for fellow humans. How can we develop such community?

Your book is life-changing. How can we best live the changes you recommend?

If we read your book, watch the movie, and participate in the guided discussion, will we know how to do this?

It may come as some comfort to readers that both Tutu and the Dalai Lama achieve their perennial happiness as they navigate thru struggle and renewal. Through their lives and in this book, their desire is to spread the understanding that “to have joy yourself, you must bring joy to others.” Through our reading, viewing the film, and discussing both, Mary & I have found more yet for which to be thankful. We hope your reading this blog post will encourage your reading of the book, viewing the film, and locating discussion partners. Tutu and the Dalai Lama hope similar Joy will come to you.