Can we return we return to a “sustainable existence?”

A Sustainable Existence

Can we return to “a sustainable existence”?

We must. . . in order to continue . . . our existence.


© Forrest W. Heaton May 2024


Global Warming Measurements Ask: “How can current Earth Global Warming measurements continue? Answer: They can’t.”


Global Legacy. We have done a poor job of leaving a global legacy for our children and grand children.

         - We have acidified the oceans.

         - We have over-fished the oceans.

         - We have killed most of the whales and big fish.

         - We have encircled the planet in green house gasses such as carbon dioxide which keep the planet at higher than normal temperature.

         - We have filled our bodies and fish and sea-birds with micro plastics.

         -We have littered the ocean floor and remote island beaches with cans, plastics and netting.

         - I could go on. Attenborough goes on.


Life On This Planet by David Attenborough.

I have just finished reading David Attenborough‘s book, Life On This Planet, Most of you know of him due to his many television specials on animals and the natural world. He and his team are highly qualified on the natural world. YOU can see many of his TV specials on PBS, AppleTV and Netflix

Granddaughter. We need to listen more to our grand children. My first born, Matthew, has two daughters one of whom is Christine Rogan a smart adult, a nurse by occupation (no surprise, as she cares for people and our planet) She was reading David Attenborough’s book, Life on Our Planet, when she remarked “this is a Grandpa book!”  Christine recommended the book to me. The topic is: mankind and our planet are at risk of extinction. It could be depressing but it’s not. Attenborough and his team are science-based and offer good recommendations for what we can do to repair our mistakes. They feel it is not too late, although it will take time and the people of every country. It is well - researched and well-presented.


Recommendation. We recommend your purchasing and reading this book and your doing what you can do to correct our mistakes.


“What Can We Do” As Attenborough reminds us: there are actions each of us can take to help us avoid a “sixth mass extinction.Those actions include:  


Vote. Vote into political office only those who believe in climate change. DO not vote into office people who promote the burning of fossil fuels for energy.  


Plant Based Food Eat plant based food, less red meat.” (The eating of red meat requires more land and more fresh water.)


“A New Set of Rules” Work with business persons to promote “a new set of rules”: less focus on near-term profit and “more focus on the three Ps: profit, people and planet.”


Hope Maintain hope for this approach to living our lives.


Balance With Nature.  Promote a “balance with nature”. Promote a “stable natural world”.


Biodiversity. “Promote biodiversity.” We need to abandon the killing of species.

         -Promote a “Sustainability Revolution.”

         -Excel at “Low human impact” on the natural world.

         - Promote “the Rewilding” of the Earth. “The wild is finite.”


Sustainability “Promote sustainability. Sustainability - life that can last forever.”


Rainforests. Promote the health of rainforests.

Sea-Ice. Promote Arctic and AntArctic sea-ice The food chain of the oceans depends on the algae that grows on the bottom of the ice. The ice also maintains the lower temperatures of the oceans.The ice also provides the platform from which polar bears hun. The sea-ice melt has huge negative implications for us and the Earth. The below polar bear photo by British photographer, Nina Sarikhani published in NationalGeographic is the best image I’ve seen that depicts the result of global warming/melting sea-ice. (She felt the same.) She received an award for the photo (rightly so.)

See the Earth As Apollo8 Saw It “Spaceship Earth. “The blue marble“ “our only home. Small, vulnerable.”