Protect, restore, fund, vote?

Protect, Restore, Fund, Vote!


To survive we cannot miss this boat!

Protect, Restore, Fund, Vote!


© Forrest W. Heaton  20 September 2019


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This past week we heard from some family, friends and Heaton Publications readers that they were unaware of the Friday 20Sep19 worldwide Climate Strike until they read our Sunday 15Sep blog post. We’re happy some/many changed their Friday plans in order to attend a Strike. Here are pics from Mary & me (along with a neighbor) joining the Chapel Hill Strike Friday morning—electrifying! Perhaps you saw news clips from around the world which might have included Melbourne, Australia’s 100,000 person record for an Australian environmental protest! For those of you who attended a Strike, we’d love to hear from you and will post a Comment or two.

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We heard from my sister who viewed a short film sent to her by a friend. We’ve made it the featured item in this post: the film by environmental activists Greta Thunberg & George Monbiot, published Thursday 19Sep19, just in time for the worldwide Climate Strike! At a short three minutes, forty seconds, it lays out in simple terms what each of us can do:

Protect. “Tropical forests (the world’s primary carbon reservoirs)  are being cut down at the rate of 30 [football fields] a minute.” “Where nature is doing something vital, we must protect it.”

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Restore. “Much of our planet has been damaged.” “But nature can regenerate and we can help ecosystems bounce back.”

Fund. “We need to stop funding things that destroy nature and pay for things that help it.”

Vote. “Vote for people who defend nature . . . .and leave fossil fuels in the ground.”