Fossils: time to strike?

your first climate strike


this is our third in a trilogy

regarding climate crisis—a catastrophe

playing out right before our eyes

demanding action vs. denial and lies

young people are leading around the world

before this crisis is fully unfurled

we hope you’ll agree this is action you like

and join this friday in your first climate strike


   © Forrest W. Heaton 15 September 2019



This coming Friday, 20 September 2019, millions of people around the world, young, old and middle-aged, will strike for the climate. Initially inspired by Greta Thunberg, and then by young people from all over the globe, Climate Strikes are planned for this day worldwide. Four events are planned right here in Mary’s & my home area of Chapel Hill/Raleigh/Durham NC. Mary & I have chosen to join the strike at the 9:00am event in Chapel Hill. Here’s what the NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) has to say about these events: “On September 20, three days before the UN Climate Summit in NYC, young people and adults will strike all across the US and world to demand transformative action to be taken to address the climate crisis. Millions of us will take the streets to demand a right to a future, and we’re inviting you to strike with us.” For a future, Mary & I feel it is imperative to vote out climate deniers/liars, and vote in those who will take transformative climate action. We are hoping our Heaton Publications readers will join us in this effort.