Fossils: Leave ‘em in the ground or dig ‘em up?

Behavior and Vote


Want to have a future?

A viable safe place to live?

It’s your choice on behavior!

And your vote to give!


© Forrest W. Heaton 30 August 2019


Thank you, Dear Readers, for your patience regarding the longer time between blog posts while we focus on my 21 May neck/back surgery recovery and preparation for 1 November ankle replacement surgery. Am working on my bionic merit badge. 

This is the 2nd in a trilogy of posts on whether we leave fossils in the ground or dig them up. 


In this post, Mary and I ask you to imagine a coin—let’s describe it as gold so that you give it a bit more importance and visualize it. On one side of the coin is David Koch and on the other side is Greta Thunberg. This coin represents the most crucial issue facing the currently seven billion human inhabitants of Planet Earth—whether or not the Planet’s climate (temperature and weather) will continue to sustain life as we know it. The images on either side of the coin represent diametrically opposed positions on the issue. The results of the issue could be catastrophic for us, our descendants, and the planet . . . and, they are playing out right before our eyes as we write this post. 

You have a choice in this matter—regarding your behavior and your vote. In other blog posts on the topic, we have discussed choices available for you to make a difference—small though it may be but still a difference re behavior. Regarding your vote, the issue demands your careful attention and then your vote Tuesday 3 November 2020 (a short fourteen months from now.) Should you wish to conduct more research on either side of this coin, here is a link for each to help you get started:

We would be happy to hear from any or all of you on this issue. Thank you Dear Mary and Forrest Heaton Publications blog subscribers/readers! We appreciate you so!