Hello Darkness

This, dear friends, is a good news story when most of us are much in need of a good news story. It turns out that a well-known entrepreneur, inventor, investor and philanthropist, Sanford “Sandy” Greenberg, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Johns Hopkins University’s Wilmer Eye Institute, published in July 2020 his memoir entitled “Hello Darkness, My Old Friend: How Daring Dreams and Unyielding Friendship Turned One Man’s Blindness into an Extraordinary Vision for Life.” We knew none of this story . . . and wouldn’t be surprised if at least a few of you were unfamiliar with this story as well. But the story weaves through a poem which we believe almost all of you will know. First, the poem: 

“Hello darkness, my old friend . . .”

The Sound of Silence

Hello darkness, my old friend, I've come to talk with you again,
Because a vision softly creeping, left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was planted in my brain . . . still remains
Within the sound of silence.

In restless dreams I walked alone, narrow streets of cobblestone,
'Neath the halo of a street lamp, I turned my collar to the cold and damp,
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light . . . that split the night
And touched the sound of silence.

And in the naked light I saw . . . ten thousand people, maybe more,
People talking without speaking, people hearing without listening,
People writing songs that voices never share . . . and no one dare
Disturb the sound of silence.

"Fools!" said I, "You do not know . . . Silence like a cancer grows.”
“Hear my words that I might teach you … take my arms that I might reach you.
”But my words like silent raindrops fell . . .
And echoed . . . in the wells of silence.

And the people bowed and prayed . . . to the neon god they made.
And the sign flashed its warning. In the words that it was forming.
And the signs said “the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls . . .
And tenement halls”
And whispered . . . in the sounds . . . of silence.

Paul Simon, 1963 &1964 

With the collaboration of Art Garfunkle (covered later)

We believe this to be one of the most poignant poems written in English in the twentieth century. Credit goes to author, Paul Simon, with credit also to Art Garfunkle, although that part of the story will unfold below. Having turned the poem into a song, they recorded the song with Columbia Records, releasing it in October 1964 in their debut album titled “Wednesday Morning, 3AM.” The recording was a commercial failure. They disbanded, Simon returning to England, and Garfunkle returning to Columbia University where he was a student. A few months following, a Columbia Records engineer/producer (without Simon’s or Garfunkle’s knowledge) overdubbed the track (which originally was acoustic [unamplified] only) with electric instruments and drums and released the remixed version as a single in September 1965. Within three months, the song was Billboard Number One. They hastily reunited, recorded their second album entitled “Sounds of Silence” with this as the lead song. My Albion College roommate, Rick Smith, learning I didn’t know who Simon & Garfunkle were, was in town for a visit and had taken me to the local record store in Washington DC to buy the album for me in September 1966. I still have the album. And, Smith & I still have each other in our lives, sharing calls a couple times each week. 


Adding another twist to this story, it was Rick’s wife, Kathy, who advised us just recently of Greenberg’s July 2020 memoir and the unfolding story of the poem’s/song’s lyrics. Mary & I purchased and read Greenberg’s memoir. To say his memoir is an inspiration is a gross understatement. Further, having spent my lifetime playing guitar and singing the songs of the times with friends at parties, as well as a lifetime of writing poems and song lyrics myself, this story is right up our alley. It is a stunning story. 

As to Art Garfunkle’s collaboration with Paul Simon on the poem and song, Greenberg and Garfunkle were roommates at Columbia University, having met in their first week at Columbia in 1958. They developed a strong friendship which included having made a pledge to each other to always be there in case the other was in need. In 1960, Greenberg’s eyesight began to fail. He became blind, became deeply depressed, and left Columbia not intending on returning. With no notice, Garfunkle flew to Buffalo, talked Greenberg into returning to Columbia, and guided Greenberg out of depression and back into life. Garfunkle referred to himself as “Darkness”: “Sandy, Darkness has come to read to you again.” “Sandy, Darkness has come to help you get to class again.” Greenberg graduated Phi Beta Kappa, and, following a Marshall Scholarship at Oxford, received his M.A. and Ph.D. at Harvard and M.B.A. at Columbia, married his high school sweetheart, has three kids, has had an unbelievable career, and has written an extraordinary memoir. 

Garfunkle took all these stories about his times with Greenberg to his high school friend, Paul Simon. The United States is blessed with an amazing number of extraordinary poets; they are called singer-songwriters. Paul Simon is among the very top. Simon used the stories as inspiration as he wrote the poem and then the song. Folks, it doesn’t get any better than this for me! What a grand story! There’s not enough space here to relate more but we encourage your own internet research and perhaps reading Greenberg’s memoir. “Hello darkness, my old friend, I’ve come to talk with you again . . . .

Can dreaming help?

For the most part self-distanced in our apartment since February and seeing fewer family and friends, one could get a bit depressed. Having come across a poem I wrote on a trip Mary & I took to Paris ten years ago, we found ourselves thinking about the time when we will be able to travel again. In the meantime, perhaps dreaming about that travel can help. We invite you to dream your way through this poem with us.

Paris . . . Time Slips By

When coming to Paris, myriad choices dare us,

One must narrow them down to a few.

With not many days, consider the ways,

Your interests to joyfully do

With each other,

Each trip focus just on a few.

With guidebook in hand, we took in Rodin,

A sculptor of bronze and of stone.

His collection now housed where he lived and espoused

His great talents amidst a great home:

Hotel Biron,

Where his gifts to the world are now shown.

The Burghers of Calais, they gave their lives,

They gave their lives a-way.

Auguste Rodin, he re-turned their lives,

He re-turned them to life in clay

And bronze,

To live a-nother day.

Camille Claudel, she loved Rodin,

He forty-four, she just past nine-teen.

She sculpted the loss she had seen

And lived,

She sculpted what might have been.

Thus, all too soon, it is after noon,

To the Seine, les bateaux passing by.

Autumn leaves falling down, sparkling yellow and brown;

Another interest we will try,

Time slips by,

Long shadows from autumn Paris sky.

© Forrest W. Heaton October, 2010

The Mature Age, 1913 bronze casting at the Musée Rodin.

The Mature Age, 1913 bronze casting at the Musée Rodin.

Your spirits lifted by a tree?

Spirits Lifted By A Tree

Crises of health, economy, climate, justice

Weigh heavily on our minds

One keeps on the lookout for

Helpful mental finds

Ken Burns in his series on “National Parks”

Presents mental find for all to see

Chiura Obata’s life-long lifting of spirits

From a thirty-seven-hundred-year-old tree

© Forrest W. Heaton 12 August 2020

Chiura Obata (1885-1975) was a well-known Japanese-American painter whose story caught the eye of Ken Burns and Dayton Duncan as they developed their acclaimed book and film “The National Parks: America’s Best Idea.” Obata emigrated from Japan to the U.S. in 1903, going on to become a renowned artist, primarily of nature in the Sierra Nevada. From 1932 to 1954, Obata was a faculty member of the University of California at Berkley and, during World War II, was interred at Topaz Japanese-American Internment Camp, Utah, for a year. This became a period of struggle, conflict and inspiration for Obata. 

We believe if you were to use this brief write-up as encouragement to learn more about Obata’s life, you would find inspiration from his work and words as well. Speaking about his work, his granddaughter, Kim Kodani Hill, had this to say about her grandfather in the Burns film: “One subject that he loved to paint again and again was the sequoias. For him they were the great vertical line that connected heaven and earth. And for him he saw the life of a person in these trees. And no matter the storms and trials of life, these trees survive with great dignity and great strength.”

Glorious Struggle.jpeg

Glorious Struggle” 

Chiura Obata, Glorious Struggle, 1965, sumi on silk, 36 x 22 inches, Smithsonian American Art Museum. 

(Dayton Dalton in Burns film) “Years later, in remembrance of his struggle, Obata would paint “Glorious Struggle,” the image of a tree in Yosemite’s High Sierra whose own struggle to survive seemed to give him strength and hope in his darkest hour.”

(Smithsonian American Art Museum) “In Glorious Struggle a sequoia forest endures a violent storm, an image of fortitude and perseverance Obata hoped would inspire younger generations of Japanese Americans. He described the picture’s symbolism in a 1965 lecture:

Since I came to the United States in 1903, I saw, faced and heard many struggles among our Japanese Issei [first-generation immigrants.] The sudden burst of Pearl Harbor was as if the mother earth on which we stood was swept by the terrific force of a big wave of resentment of the American people. Our dignity and our hopes were crushed. In such times I heard the gentle but strong whisper of the Sequoia gigantean: ‘Hear me, you poor man. I’ve stood here more than three thousand and seven-hundred years in rain, snow, storm and even mountain fire, still keeping my thankful attitude strongly with nature – do not cry, do not spend your time and energy worrying. You have children following. Keep up your unity; come with me.’”

What can I do?

The Environment - What Can I Do?

Want to help the environment?

Search: “The Environment - What Can I Do?”

Then build daily habits

Of just one . . . or a few.

© Forrest W. Heaton 27 June 2020

A number of readers have written over the past three months advising they are mentally exhausted from their coronavirus physical isolation and consequent mental overload of bad news from multiple crises—health, economy, race, politics, climate. Some have advised they are finding the action recommendations in our Blog posts helpful in mitigating the bad news mental overload and giving them a feeling that they are “doing something about it.”

That gave us a thought about some easily researched yet often overlooked suggestions, action recommendations regarding many of the items in the daily news in which you might have a strong interest. So, we’ll give this a go and see what we learn from you. 

For many of us, our brains have a swift response when we come across a recommendation we’ve read or been told before: “I already know that . . . nothing new here.” However, we think you’ll agree it is one thing to think “we already know that” and quite another to ask ourselves: “Have we built that recommendation into our daily habits?” One example: we know that for better health, we need to drink at least eight glasses of clean water every day. The question is: “How many days this week/month did we do that?

That said, and if you’re willing, let’s try to examine one issue—the Environment—with a list of potential actions for you to consider. You may already be doing many on the list. If there are items on the list that sound like a good idea that you have not built into your daily habits, give it a try for the next few weeks. After trying your best to develop them into daily habits, look back in a few weeks and ask yourself two questions: 1) “How am I doing on that list?” and 2) “Is my working these items into my daily habits giving me a bit of a mental lift?” We can promise you that, even if it’s not helping you, your actions are helping the environment!

To view the list of potential action items, click the below link. We’d love to hear from you about this post. With a bit of encouragement, we may develop another with a similar approach but on a different topic. Many thanks to all!

Reader Surprise! Unbeknownst to us, while we were writing this blog post, good friends, Folkert & Helga Herlyn, living in Koln Germany and readers of our Blog, were writing to us, telling us of their recent work to help the environment by installing additional solar on their vacation home in Stroodorp Netherlands. We had just completed our post, intending to blast 12 July. On receipt of their email and realizing including a portion of their note with photos would be of interest to most readers, we emailed our draft for their review. They immediately gave us permission as well as provided additional information. Many thanks, Folkert & Helga! Here’s a brief summary of what they had to say: 

“. . . . Through eBay I bought solar panels and the inverter and aluminum pieces to build the support structure for the proper angle to the sun. With that in hand, I installed the 6 voltaic panels and other material for 1200 € instead of using the offer of 3400 € from a shop. It was fun working too. Now I produce enough extra electricity power for the Tesla when staying in Stroodorp (1,5 MWh/y). There is more already (installed 2013) on the main roof to compensate for house use. . . . we have to do something to save the earth. My dream is to get the power from the sun or the wind and bring it into the socket of the garage for the consumption in the house, the car and the heating. . . . We have in Germany the option to buy green electricity from the grid for less than a cent extra per KWh. . . . I calculate once a year how much my footprint was (websites available) and buy for the rest compensation (support to foresting in Latin America or Africa). This is only about 100 € per year. In the end, we are climate neutral since three years.”


Do you know just how important YOUR vote is?

The Great American Outdoors Act

Worried they’d lose November vote,

Republican Senators finally wrote,

A positive environmental bill.

The Great American Outdoors Act,

Now heads to the House for them to act,

“Bipartisanship” on The Hill?

© Forrest W. Heaton 19 June 2020

Do you know just how important YOUR vote is? Please read through this blog post to learn a bit more.

Were we in a non-polarized political environment, we would be unconditionally celebrating the Senate’s 17Jun20 passage of Senate 3422 The Great American Outdoors Act, then intending passage by the House of Representatives, then presidential signature. As it happens, however, whereas the content of the bill has been encouraged by environmental groups and us for years, it is clear to some (certainly us) that the motivation for Republican senators’ passing this legislation and presidential support is strictly political—their eyes on November’s elections.

In our opinion there is nothing “bipartisan” about Republican support of this legislation. They are keenly aware the American public is strongly in favor of legislation to offset the negative effects of the climate crisis while Republicans from the president down have been unwilling to even agree the crisis exists let alone enact mitigation legislation. Secondly, the bill’s sponsor, Republican Senator Cory Gardner of Colorado, is facing a strong Democratic challenger in either John Hickenlooper, former Colorado Governor or Andrew Romanoff, former Colorado Speaker of the House. The League of Conservation Voters, one of the U.S.’s most effective environmental advocacy groups, has given Gardner a lifetime environmental legislation/action score of 11 percent. By helpful comparison, the League gives Colorado’s other senator, Democrat Michael Bennet, a lifetime score of 89 percent. Trump lost in Colorado in 2016. Mitch McConnel is using this legislation as a strong attempt to not lose the current Republican U.S. Senate 53-47 majority in the November election.

Putting politics aside, as enthusiastic supporters of 1) strong legislation/action to mitigate the climate crisis, and 2) strong legislation/action in support of our U.S. National Parks, we celebrate the content of this bill and encourage its passage by the House and signature by the president. To learn what the bill includes you can search U.S. Senate S.3422 - 116th Congress. Here’s a brief outline:

- Establishes support for deferred maintenance projects on federal lands. (The NPS maintenance backlog, growing for years, is currently estimated at $11.9 billion.)

- Funded FY2021-2025 by 50% of federal revenues from oil/gas/alternative/renewable energy on federal lands/waters; not to exceed $1.9 billion for any fiscal year. 

- Utilized for priority deferred maintenance projects by NPS, Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Indian Education.

- After years of temporary LWCF funding, the bill makes funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) permanent. 


- White House/Senate Motivation. The endorsement of this legislation by the White House and U.S. Senate has nothing to do with bipartisanship and everything to do with Republican Senate majority preservation. 

- Environmental Support. In spite of the politics, each of the environmental groups we support, particularly the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA), are fully in support of this legislation.

- Good News/Bad News. If the House passes this legislation, this will be very good news for the climate and the environment. If the House does not pass this legislation, this will be bad news for all.

- Temporary vs. Permanent Funding. Only the LWCF funding is marked permanent. Experts we queried advise they interpret the balance of the bill could be rescinded by the current president were he and his Senate majority re-elected.

- Your Vote. Those of you who join us in mitigating climate change/protecting the environment have a huge opportunity this November to:

- Vote out climate change deniers/environmental degradation.

- Vote in Senators and a president to renew America’s leadership in worldwide environmental protection/climate change action.


. . . seize this opportunity?

To Live What These Words Say

1619, twenty kidnapped black Africans,

Purchased by whites, Jamestown Colony;

2019, 400th Anniversary,

Of brutal racial inequality.

“All men,” Jefferson wrote, “are created equal,”

But we have looked the other way;

Now 2020, we can seize this opportunity,

To live what these words say!

© Forrest W. Heaton 9 June 2020

Since the 25 May 2020 death of George Floyd at the hands of four members of the Minneapolis, Minnesota police, the U.S. and the world have witnessed an historic outpouring of long-pent-up anger and grief via televised worldwide demonstrations protesting America’s systemic racism, inequality and police brutality. In 1619, a ship named the White Lion carrying kidnapped Africans from what now is Angola sailed into Jamestown, Virginia Colony. Approximately 20 blacks were purchased by the white Jamestown colonists launching 400 years of racial injustice in what has become the United States of America. 

In all, the trans-Atlantic slave trade ran from the early 1500’s to the mid-1800’s, enslaving twelve million Africans: 5 million to Brazil, 3 million to the Caribbean, 400,000 to North America. This was illegal/amoral subjugation of one race by another for the sole purpose of free labor. All agree witnessing these May/June 2020 protests, the causes and emotions run long and deep. Resolution will be a large and complicated challenge. But most witnesses agree: this opportunity for these reparations/resolutions must not be missed. We have a lot of work to do.

While in Houston for George Floyd’s Memorial Service 8May20, Joe Biden was asked his feelings about the protests and the overall situation. Biden replied: “All the young white men and women marching with all the young black men and women gives me hope!” We agree. We feel “hope” is the key ingredient on the journey to reparations/resolutions—sustaining us on the path through disappointment, failure, lack of leadership to celebration, success, inspired leadership.

If you’ve not already seen it, we encourage you to click the link below to view Joe Biden’s 5-minute video remarks at George Floyd’s 9 May Memorial Service in Houston—honoring George Floyd’s life, uplifting the Floyd family, inspiring hope for citizens of all nations, and encouraging all of us in the United States of America to action to correct these 401-year wrongs. We have a lot of work to do.

George Floyd with his daughter Gianna (undated photo)

George Floyd with his daughter Gianna (undated photo)

What might it be like . . . ?

National Service

What might it be like to join National Service,

Resolve Health Crisis with passionate crew?

A lifetime of pride, learn much on the ride,

Resolve Economic Crisis too!

© Forrest Heaton 17 May 2020

This is a follow-up to our 16, 24 & 30 May “Four Necessities” posts. In those posts, we stated there are four necessary action requirements for responsible leaders worldwide at the federal, state and local levels of their respective countries:

1 Trust the scientists.

2 Tell the truth. 

3 Strengthen government effectiveness.

4 Develop cooperation—domestic & international.

These four action necessities apply to the TWO simultaneous worldwide threats facing the planet’s 7.8 billion people—1) Climate Crisis and 2) Coronavirus Crisis. Today’s post, the last of four on our “Four Necessities” topic, deals with the coronavirus crisis, putting forward a potential solution we feel has merit and we present for readers’ review.  

A Consensus Approach. When dealing with a threat both complicated and worldwide, finding consensus as to approach presents a challenge. Considering the myriad cultural/historical differences worldwide, there may not be need for such consensus. Countries can learn from each other what works well and what does not. One approach which seems to have secured acceptance by many of the world’s scientists/public health officials is: The end points of this health crisis depend on: 1) Testing, 2) Contact Tracing, 3) Treatment, 4) Vaccine. Solving the health crisis is the only way to solve the economic crisis. 

A Consensus Solution. As with approach, there will likely be no consensus as to solution; some nations will follow others if they feel the results warrant and the conditions are favorable for replication. We feel there are two givens on this journey: 1) all four of the “Four Necessities” need to be followed by as many world leaders as possible, 2) this has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with protection/enhancement of life. With regard to the United States, our over 100,000 deaths to date demand we rid this issue of politics and begin to deal with it as Americans.  

Potential Solution

1) Testing/Tracing/Treatment/Vaccine. Individual countries’ preparations for and responses to infection outbreaks/pandemics can be done well or done poorly. Space here does not permit a thorough analysis of the status and difficulties of this issue. However, we wish to present one instance where a country seems to have gotten both their preparation over the last seventeen years and their response to the 2020 pandemic right on both counts—Taiwan. 

On 26May, CBS reported: “The streets of Taiwan are bustling, restaurants are open to diners, schools only shut down for two weeks in February . . . . With a population of nearly 24 million, the island has had just seven coronavirus deaths, and thanks to rapid contact tracing and testing, fewer than 450 total Covid-19 infections.” Taiwan’s 7 coronavirus deaths in a population of 23.8 million come to 0.03 deaths per 100,000 population. In contrast, in the same period, the more than 100,000 U.S. coronavirus deaths in a population of 331.0 million come to over 30 deaths per 100,000 population—one thousand times the rate in Taiwan!

As part of our research preparing these four posts, we included in our reading John Barry’s “The Great Influenza,” a heavy, well-written analysis of the influenza pandemic of 1918/19 which killed between 50 to 100 million people worldwide. Barry makes it clear the lessons have been there for 102 years—lessons to be learned . . . or ignored. For Taiwan, those lessons are now bedrock public health instructions/behaviors followed daily by Taiwan’s citizens, scientists, public health officials and government. It can be done!

2) National Service. In early April, while preparing to write this quartet of posts on “Four Necessities,” Mary & I had settled on National Service and Testing as our preferred solution to both the Health and Economic Crises. Since then we’ve been getting some powerful outside support:

• Senator Chris Coons: 22 April U.S. Senate introduction of “Pandemic Response & Opportunity through National Service Act.” 

• David Brooks: 7 May New York Times article “We Need National Service. Now.

• Joe Biden: 24 May issuance of “Testing Strategy” in which Biden calls for expanded Federal Govt. assistance to testing and a U.S. Public Health Job Corps—“100,000 people including AmeriCorps and Peace Corps volunteers and laid off workers . . .” (See Sheryl Gay Stolberg’s 28 May New York Times article “Biden’s Testing Strategy.”) 

Americans of all ages want to see this pandemic successfully resolved. Many, from young through retired, might seize the opportunity to make a personal contribution to the successful resolution of this pandemic were it organized and managed in the right way. Receiving appropriate pay to sustain themselves, they can focus their energies on the tasks at hand. Many of the potential volunteers for a new National Service program currently have the time to do this—some coming out of retirement, some being among the currently laid off/furloughed, some taking a year off during college, some taking a year off before going to college. For a host of reasons, we feel this should be a voluntary vs. a mandatory program. 

The ball is now rolling, David Brooks’ attesting,

Senator Coons’ “National Service Act;”

Add in Joe Biden’s “Strategy for Testing,”

Through @Voices4Service we can act!

How to add your support. To learn about Voices for National Service, with your curser on “About Us,” click on “Our Coalition.” If you might consider becoming a member, click “Become a Member.” To contact your Senators and Representative, with your curser on “Take Action,” click on “Contact Congress.” 

As the poem says, you will feel the refreshing difference of moving from watching to taking action! Thank you!

Public Health: One, Economic Recovery: Two

Public Health: One, Economic Recovery: Two

Unprepared for this crisis, the world is in shock,

All will be different, no turn back clock.

Appearing as one crisis, it is actually two,

Public Health: One, Economic Recovery: Two.

 A gift has been given to those who survive,

For Better Country/Better World . . . survivors can now strive.

© Forrest W. Heaton 14 May 2020

This is a follow-up post to our 16 & 24 May Four Necessities posts. In those posts, we stated there are four necessary action requirements for responsible leaders worldwide at the federal, state and local levels of their respective countries:

1 Trust the scientists.

2 Tell the truth. 

3 Strengthen government effectiveness.

4 Develop cooperation—domestic & international.

These four action necessities apply to the TWO simultaneous worldwide threats facing the planet’s 7.8 billion people—1) Climate Crisis and 2) Coronavirus Crisis. Today’s post deals with the second of the two: Four Necessities – Coronavirus Crisis. And, as the above poem describes, for effective resolution, the Coronavirus crisis needs to be addressed in two parts as described below.

Coronavirus Crisis – Part A) Public Health Crisis. Knowledge of this virus is a work-in-process as is the worldwide results reporting. An estimated 5.5 million people worldwide have contracted Coronavirus. Of those, an estimated 347,000 have died. As of this writing 26May, the U.S. leads all countries in Coronavirus deaths—current average of various estimates: 98,000. Think about this: the U.S.’s 331 million people represent 4% of the world’s population . . . yet our Covid-19 deaths to date represent 28% of worldwide Covid-19 deaths! Recent modeling advises that if the U.S. Federal Government had acted just two weeks earlier, an estimated 50% of the U.S. deaths could have been avoided—the lives of 54,000 people could have been saved! If this post were to spend even a moment on our perceived list of U.S. Federal Government inaction/fragmented action and how it likely has led to a significant portion of these deaths, this post would become a “rant.” No thanks. This space is focused on successful resolution of this crisis.

Coronavirus Crisis – Part B) Economic Recovery Crisis. Witnessing the highly contagious nature of this virus and resulting staggering illnesses/deaths, the nations of the world implemented quarantines/social distancing to reduce transmission. These locked-down economies, although partially successful in pandemic containment, have been devastating to worldwide economic (and mental) health. Through 31 March, approximately 46 million Americans had been laid off or furloughed, approximately 30% of the U.S. labor force. Repairing this damage will be complicated and, unfortunately, take much longer than currently forecasted.   

A review of one potential solution will follow next week in our final of four posts on this topic.


Jump in with both feet?

Lead as a Nation!

Death can come as a terrible surprise,

Though out of our sight, right before our eyes!

Before Coronavirus, fifteen thousand children per day,

Lost their lives worldwide while we lost our way.

After World War II, the U.S. took the lead,

Helping find clean water, nutritious foods to feed.

But Climate Crisis now threatens food/water supply,

And while the U.S. backs out, more thousands will die.

Can we not find a new direction to take?

Renew our leadership for these children’s sake?

Vote in science/truth/government and cooperation,

Jump in with both feet, Lead as a Nation!

© Forrest W. Heaton 14 May 2020

Although there have been global improvements since 1990, according to the World Health Organization and United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), 15,000 children under five years old die each day, predominantly from hunger and thirst. 

This is a follow-up post to our 16 May Four Necessities post. In that post, we stated there are four necessary action requirements for responsible leaders worldwide at the federal, state and local levels of their respective countries:

1 Trust the scientists.

2 Tell the truth. 

3 Strengthen government effectiveness.

4 Develop cooperation—domestic & international.

These four action necessities apply to the TWO simultaneous worldwide threats facing the planet’s 7.8 billion people—1) Climate Crisis and 2) Coronavirus Crisis. Today’s post deals with the first of the two: Four Necessities – Climate Crisis.

National Geographic published in April its Earth Day 50th Anniversary Special Issue in which they ingeniously presented, reading front to back: “How We Saved the World – An Optimist’s Guide to Life on Earth in 2070.” (2070 will be Earth Day’s 100th Anniversary.) Then, “flipping” over the same magazine, reading back to front, they presented: “How We Lost the Planet – A Pessimist’s Guide to Life on Earth in 2070.”

For those of you who are unable to read this extraordinary publication, we have selected a brief 7 ½ minute National Geographic video making an attempt to summarize at least a few of the key points in their coverage. Simply put, if you are among those who feel “we CAN shape a different future”, we encourage your reading the publication, visiting National G’s many excellent videos (nationalgeographic.com/climate change videos, SEE LINK BELOW), and getting involved. Even in these times of physical distancing/physical isolation, there is much we can do—much digging, and then much doing!

Regarding your vote: in many of the world’s countries, the people do not have a vote. Their future is at the whim of whomever is leading them at that moment. For the people in those countries who do have a vote, which fortunately (at least at the moment) includes our USA, our future is in our hands. Those “leaders” who fail at one or more of the above four necessities need to be voted out in favor of those whom we believe will achieve these four necessities. And, keep in mind, this is worldwide. What leaders of just a few countries do or don’t do (U.S., China, India) will affect all the peoples of the world. And we can only hope (along with Mary & me) that we do the right thing.


Four Necessities are required?

Four Necessities

With the Climate and the Covid crises

Four Necessities are required:

1 Trust the scientists.

2 Tell the truth.

3 Strengthen government effectiveness.

4 Develop cooperation—domestic & international.

Not achieving most/all of these

Require the boss be fired.

© Forrest W. Heaton 8 May 2020

We write our Blog on three primary topics: Poetry, Parks and Planet, and we write with three guiding principles: 1) interesting/timely topics, 2) no rants, 3) “Be brief, be brilliant, be gone.”

This post, or at least the poem referencing removing—via your vote—the responsible top official, could be considered by some as a violation of our “no rants” principle. But we ask readers not to read any “politics” into this. There are so many “rants” out there, there is no need for another. It is the life/death seriousness of these two crises that drives this poem. 

We believe the Climate Crisis is ongoing and existential—those that follow us may not have a habitable home. We believe the Coronavirus/Covid-19 Crisis, although not existential, is life-threatening in the extreme and will be with us longer than currently projected. These two crises, playing out simultaneously worldwide, require federal, state and local governmental leaders worldwide achieve the above four necessities simultaneously on both crises.

In the three Blog posts that will follow this, we will look more closely at the U.S. Federal Government response to each of the two crises with regard to the Four Necessities described above. Between now and then, we invite each reader to do their own study and let us know their recommendations as to items/links we might include.


Hubble 30th Anniversary

In a scant approximately twelve weeks, coronavirus/Covid-19 has killed approximately 63,000 in the U.S., 234,000 worldwide. Writing on any other topic in this environment may seem inappropriate. It can be helpful, however, to shift one’s focus from time-to-time for a bit of mental recovery. There are some other major events still going on in these times. 

On 15 March, we reminded readers that April is National Poetry Month, advising reading/writing poetry can be healthy diversions from these difficult issues! For our part, Mary & I, observing zero groupings of people, joined fifteen other residents at the facility where we live, reading poetry throughout the month, televised to residents by closed circuit TV—much fun, much appreciated. 

On 29 March, we wrote to remind all that 22 April of this year marks the Fiftieth Anniversary of Earth Day! Realizing shelter at home restrictions will limit celebrations, we discussed alternative celebrations and renewed personal commitments.

Today we are writing regarding a third major April event, the Thirtieth Anniversary of Hubble Space Telescope—24 April 1990 – 24 April 2020! 

How did the HST change our view?


The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) has changed our view

Our view of the Cosmos and our Earth too

Twenty-four April marked Thirty Years

An Anniversary calling for billions of cheers!

© Forrest W. Heaton  1 May 2020

Billions of cheers? Around seven point eight billion please . . . our fragile spaceship Planet Earth’s current estimated human population.

The Universe from Hubble. NASA

The Universe from Hubble. NASA


Named after Edwin Hubble, an American scientist who determined the universe was expanding vs. static, the HST has revolutionized our understanding of the universe, becoming one of the most productive scientific instruments ever built. Hubble was designed/built to be periodically serviced by space-walking astronauts, the design quickly put to a test (successfully in 1993) to repair a flawed mirror. Since then, Hubble’s new science has been matched with spectacular images that inspire the imagination of any viewer.


John Grunsfeld, NASA Associate Administrator and former astronaut who serviced Hubble on three servicing missions, feels: “Hubble still has a tremendous journey ahead of it; I’m still convinced that its greatest discovery lies ahead.”

By visiting nasa.gov/hubble, you can view a number of outstanding videos honoring Hubble’s thirtieth anniversary. One we strongly recommend can be viewed by clicking below.

During Pandemic and Climate Crisis, can we find a way?

Fiftieth Earth Day

During Pandemic and Climate Crisis,

Can we find a way . . .

To celebrate Fifty?

Fiftieth Earth Day?

It is this coming month,

April twenty-two;

Earth: our only home,

Will appreciate what you do!

© Forrest W. Heaton

28 March 2020


Creativity! Teamwork! Leadership! Coming from all points of the globe, from countless different cultures, from different customs, languages, music, histories and stories, we have come together as Americans, particularly at times of extreme stress/threat, to overcome the threat, learn from it, and then to reach out again to help others—to lead the world in what needs to be done for humanity and our fragile spaceship planet earth.

Many examples come to mind: helping rebuild Europe and Japan after the Second World War, developing life-saving procedures and medicines now in use worldwide. With disparate skills, extraordinary creativity and outstanding leadership we succeeded.

Since social distancing prevents celebration in groups, perhaps you might consider a few hours outside—walking, thinking, sitting, reading, praying, planting, repairing, writing, perhaps reading a poem. Should you possibly choose the latter, you might consider Wendell Berry’s “Look It Over.”

Look It Over

I leave behind even

my walking stick. My knife

is in my pocket, but that

I have forgot. I bring

no car, no cell phone,

no computer, no camera,

no CD player, no fax, no

TV, not even a book. I go

into the woods. I sit on

a log provided at no cost.

It is the earth I’ve come to,

the earth itself, sadly

abused by the stupidity

only humans are capable of

but, as ever, itself. Free.

A bargain! Get it while it lasts.

Wendell Berry

From New Collected Poems.

Counterpoint Press © 2012

April - National Poetry Month?

April - National Poetry Month!

Depressed by politician named Drumpth?

Write a poem for National Poetry Month!

© Forrest W. Heaton 12 March 2020

These are difficult times—coronavirus spreading, climate change accelerating, health threatened, finances declining, lifestyle changing, some lamenting politics. In these times, yes, we need to focus our brains on appropriate action. But we also need to reserve a portion of our brains for diversion—thinking through new and different activities that present a challenge and perhaps result in improved mental and physical health . . . possibly even laughter! In that regard, therefore, we are going to propose a challenge you might consider. We’d love to hear from you about this idea and, if you participate, your experience.

A reader wrote to us in the past week to advise: “[Your blog posts are] a good distraction in our crazy world right now—another way poetry comes to the rescue!” Further, she advised that National Public Radio was currently featuring a poetry challenge she felt we might find of interest and that she was considering entering. She provided the link (below). We visited NPR to learn about the challenge. It was much fun. We learned some new stuff including the definition of “ekphrastic,” wrote our very first ekphrastic poems, submitted them, and are awaiting NPR’s advice that they have chosen them as among their Number 1 submissions!

When you click on the below link, the NPR website comes up. Click on the “3-Minute Listen” button. Either while listening or after, scroll through the program explanation. Hopefully you’ll decide to write a poem! Who cares if it is any good? Who, besides you, is in a position to judge its worth anyway? Consider it simply an exercise in offloading some stress, having some fun! You can either write your poem directly into the NPR provided box or prepare it ahead of time. When you’re ready to type it out and submit, in the paragraph just after the Salvador Dali picture, click on “Submit your ekphrastic poem here.”

Young Woman at a Window, Salvador Dali, 1925

Young Woman at a Window, Salvador Dali, 1925

When reading the program explanation, we learned the deadline for submissions is 18 March and the cap on poem length is 10 lines. Should you wish to submit, be aware of these two restrictions. Otherwise, we encourage you to write as many poems as your “Poet Spirit” wishes to create! Your March and April will be all the better for it! Happy National Poetry Month! 

Anne Raftery’s “Poet Spirit?”

Listening As Your “Spirit” Moves

Enriching your life, your poetry proves,

You’re listening as your Spirit moves.

© Forrest W. Heaton 2013

(This was my two-line poem I included in the “Poet Spirit” section of our book, The Sixty-Minute Poet. You’ve got a “Poet Spirit” inside you as well! Are you listening to her or him?)

This is the second post in a duo dealing with my concept as explained in our 2013 book, The Sixty-Minute Poet, that, in our opinion, each human being has inside of them what we call a “Poet Spirit”, the capacity to write poetry regardless of how often, if never, they’ve tried. The first post, dated 17 Feb., presented a poem written in 2016 by long-time friend, now deceased, Bruce Barkley. This second post presents a poem by friend, Anne Raftery, that she wrote in response to Bruce’s poem. I had advised Anne of our friends, Bruce & Cathy Barkley, of Bruce’s diagnosis, of Bruce’s poem, and of Bruce’s question: “Why could he express these deep feelings better in poetry than in prose?” This was her answer: 

I Write A Poem . . .

I write a poem . . .

When I need to turn fireworks into one shining star.

When I need to turn a thundering waterfall into one raindrop falling onto a calm lake.

When I need to turn overwhelming sadness or grief into the sensation of peace and faith.

When I need to pray.

© Anne Raftery February 2015


Brief bio: Anne has traveled far and wide; fortunately, her travels to North Carolina coincided with ours. She is now settled back in her home state of Connecticut in the town in which she grew up. But it was a circuitous route—Connecticut, Ecuador, Ohio, Kansas, Texas, North Carolina, back to Connecticut. As Anne has shared many times—“there is no such thing as coincidence.” Anne was meant to be a poet; she just needed to have: “The Sixty-Minute Poet” awakening!

We’ve also included two of Anne’s poems she shared with us recently.

Time For A Change

Early in to my new life

When I start my day

Has taken quite a turn

Out in my car driving to work

Well before the crack of dawn

Without a flinch or frown

Now it is with all my focus and purpose

That my day starts at bright light

Working into the day with ease

How does that happen?

Never an alarm clock involved?

Never a conscious “waking” thought to adjust?

I just knew it was time for a change

I just knew that a chapter had closed

I just knew that a new way had to be forged

© Anne Raftery September 2019

Time To Write

Spend time with quiet.

Spend time with words.

Discover the time.

Discover the readers.

Discover joy.

Discover poetry.

© Anne Raftery January 2020

Thank you, Anne, for sharing. We encourage you readers to write and share with us. Please know that we will not publish without your approval.

Barkley’s “Poet Spirit?”

“Poet Spirit”


We’re writing in celebration of those writing to show,

Their “Poet Spirit” is stirring and they want others to know;

Having read our book, “The Sixty-Minute Poet,”

They tried their hand and found they could show it;

They’ve agreed to our posting a poem or two,

In hopes you Dear Readers will try your hand too!


© Forrest W. Heaton January 2020


My wife, Sally, who passed away in 1997, and I raised our kids in the late 60’s thru early 80’s in Montgomery Village, Maryland. Amongst our many friends doing the same in that community were Cathy & Bruce Barkley. In the succeeding years, although living in different parts of the country, we stayed in touch. In February 2015, Bruce advised us he had just received a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Bruce was a man of many talents which included writing. He had authored seven management texts published by McGraw Hill, many or all of which are still in print. Although a writer of prose, Bruce had never written a poem. Bruce had, however, read our book, “The Sixty-Minute Poet.” Within a week of receiving his diagnosis, Bruce wrote his first poem, below, which he shared with us and gave permission to share with others:


Life trending toward wise fullness midst doubts remain

Each exciting touch with others lightens dark paths from love delivered

Those who love us hold on solid against a cold and darkening rain

Steel-borne bonds carry us strongly, joyful, not withered


A whole life feeling overcomes us from those we love

Carrying us swiftly upwards to hear the higher sounds of God’s speed

What more than this can come from worldliness or above

Remains for those we love to sing our song back to a world in need


The loving music streams out into the earthly noise of hate and despair

But overcomes in simple gifts, seldom seen but always there

That song of love in choral beauty then spreads fans of care

Will be the light of life we have and pass on to others to bear


© Bruce Barkley February 2015


Bruce died 30 August 2016. Cathy had asked me if I would please read Bruce’s poem at his graveside Internment Service; I advised I would be honored and did so. I reminded all listening that this was Bruce’s voice they were hearing, not mine. For me and for all, it was a very moving experience.



Between Bruce’s writing the above poem and his death, we talked a number of times about this writing. His primary question was “Why could he express these deep feelings better in poetry than in prose?” I advised I get this question all the time . . . and so do other poets. There is no “right” answer. There are perhaps as many answers as there are people asking the question. Perhaps one answer may be that each person has within them the power to express themselves in poetry . . . but most have never tried. Thus, when they do try, they often are astounded at what is coming out . . . often thoughts they’ve kept both from themselves and others, often thoughts that, when out, are helpful in paving a way forward. One needs not share their poems with others unless they so choose. However, when they do decide to share, as Bruce did in this case, others may find the same Peace in their listening/reading as the writer did in her or his writing.


Our blog post following this one will highlight another Sixty-Minute Poet writing in 2015 in response to reading Bruce’s poem. She, also, has been a good writer but had never written a poem until reading our book. We hope you find these offerings motivational to stir your “Poet Spirit.” She/He is awaiting your knock on her/his door!

Will you be our Valentine?

Will You Be Our Valentine?

We Love You!

Each one of you!

Will you be our Valentine?

© Mary & Forrest Heaton  February 2020



We are certain all Heaton Publications Blog readers have already written a love poem to give to their sweetheart, special friend, pastor, mother, father, cat, dog, sister, brother, (you get the idea) this coming Friday, 14 February, Valentine’s Day! However, if there are a few of you out there who have not already done so, we’ve written this blog post as a bit of encouragement to get you off your duff to write your stuff! 


And, as all of you know from reading our book, The Sixty-Minute Poet, “it doesn’t have to be ‘good’, it doesn’t have to have meter, it doesn’t have to rhyme. It just has to come from your heart!


We’ll give you a few lines to think about to help you get started . . . .


I’m Afraid

I’ve not written a poem before

And I’m afraid I’ll be a bore

And . . . I’m afraid to ask if you’ll be my Valentine? But, OK, here goes, will you be?


My First Poem

Roses are red

Violets are blue

This is my first poem

I write it to YOU!

Will you be my Valentine?


In First Grade

In first grade,

When five or six;

We’d make Valentines,

Seal envelopes with licks.

Then give to a friend,

Hoping they would say “Yes!”

What was the question?

Can you guess?


My Love Will Have Her Poem

We’ve been married for these nineteen years,

But no poem . . . from me . . . until now;

This inspiration has caused perspiration,

And a furrow upon my brow.


With pen in hand and blank sheet of paper,

I’m eager for the words to come,

But I must admit, I feel I may quit,

If no words when I am done.


But, wait, what’s this? Poetic bliss!

The words are pouring out!

They even rhyme . . . and in metered time!

Not knowing who to thank, I shout:


“Poetry Gods—I sing praise to you!

My love will have her poem!

And after nineteen years, I’ve finally come through,

Except . . . what rhymes with ‘poem’?”


So, Dear Ones, the rest is up to you. Have fun! 

You Celebrated his Birthday?

To those at Bard’s Dinner, we hope you had fun . . .

Celebrating Bard’s Birthday . . . Two Hundred Sixty-One!


© Forrest W. Heaton 28 January 2020


You Dear Readers reading our Blog know that we posted, 29Dec19, Robert Burns’ Auld Lang Syne to bridge 2019 to 2020 and then, 13Jan20, we posted encouragement to attend a Robert Burns Dinner in your area celebrating my favorite poet’s 261st Birthday, 25 January! For our part, on Saturday 25Jan, Mary & I attended what surely is North Carolina’s Number One Burns Dinner! The organizing group was the St. Andrews Society of NC and the Robert Burns Society of NC, all led by Jim Graham, the handsome fellow with his bride, Patricia, in the photo below.

Burns Dinner.jpeg

We hope those of you who chose to attend a Burns Dinner had similar good fortune! There was so much going on at our event that the opportunity didn’t present itself to read my Epigraph to Burns’ Tam o’ Shanter that I wrote in 2006 while in Burns’ hometown of Ayrshire sketching the Brig o’ Doon, eating Haggis, drinking a wee dram of Oban single malt, and soaking in the glorious history, culture and poetry. Having this opportunity, we’ll present it here for you Dear Readers:

Tam’s Tale Twice Told!


In Alloway, Ayrshire wi’ my Mary Dear,

It’s been twenty years sin’ I’ve been here.

At Brig o’ Doon House, by river’s edge,

Now trim an’ bright in flower an’ hedge.

The air grows chill after dinnner’s swoon,

As we read Burns by Brig o’ Doon.

The brig grows brighter by spotlight,

As sun slade down an’ comes the night.

The trees by Doon must hae been small,

If ere those trees were there at all.

We imagine Tam o’ Shanter’s mare,

Sweet Meg, frightened, standin’ there.

Tryin’ t’ gather courage t’ run,

Whilst Tam’s heel an’ hand encouragin’.

Chased by witches an’ “warlocks in mirk,

By Alloway’s auld [and] haunted kirk.”

Aye, Maggie dids’t run ‘midst lightenin’ an’ hail,

She crossed the brig, but lost her tail.

Robbie first wrote this Tam’s tale bold,

Now with this addition, we’ve Tam’s Tale Twice Told!


© Forrest W. Heaton 6 September 2006

Brig o doon.jpg

What’s so special about the twenty-fifth of January?

Twenty-fifth of January


If you’re careful and choose a culinary winner,

You can join Burns’ spirit for a “Burns Supper” dinner.

With haggis n’ single malt ’n poetry n’ pipes,

Twenty fifth January! One of poetry’s top nights!


© Forrest W. Heaton 12 January 2020


What is a Burns Supper?

“A Burns supper is a celebration of the life and poetry of the poet, Robert Burns (25 January 1759 – 21 July 1796), the author of many Scots poems. The suppers are normally held on or near the poet's birthday, 25 January, occasionally known as Robert Burns Day (or Robbie Burns Day[1]) but more commonly known as Burns Night (Scots: Burns Nicht). However, in principle, celebrations may be held at any other time of the year.


The first supper was held in memoriam at Burns Cottage by Burns' friends, on 21 July 1801, the fifth anniversary of his death; it has been a regular occurrence ever since. The first still extant Burns Club was founded in Greenock in 1801 by merchants who were born in Ayrshire, some of whom had known Burns. They held the first Burns supper on what they thought was his birthday, 29 January 1802, but in 1803, they discovered the Ayr parish records that noted his date of birth was actually 25 January 1759 [2]. Since then, suppers have been held on or about 25 January.

Burns suppers may be formal or informal. Both typically include haggis (a traditional Scottish dish celebrated by Burns in Address to a Haggis), Scotch whisky and the recitation of Burns poetry. Formal dinners are hosted by organisations such as Burns clubs, the Freemasons or St. Andrews Societies; they occasionally end with dancing when ladies are present. Formal suppers follow a standard order.”

The above information obtained from Wikipedia. 


A Scottish friend who kindly reviewed the above information prior to our posting this blog post, reminded us to include the following: 

“Every Burns supper includes an Immortal Memory. The Immortal Memory is someone giving a eulogy describing Burns, his life and what he did for posterity to make him so famous still today. It is an integral part of the evening.”


Do you want to attend a Burns Supper? 

haggis and whiskey.jpg

Check your local area for Burns Suppers by searching at:  https://www.eventbrite.com

This website will probably not list all Burns Suppers in your area (only the places who registered with Eventbrite) so feel free to do your own online search! As always, when choosing, be sure to look at the reviews to ensure your Robert Burns Night is the best it can be!  


Do you want to host a Burns Supper?

If you are an ambitious soul, feel free to host your own Burns Supper! 

We found the following website that lists the simple steps to host a wonderful Burns Supper:



Your own poem in Scottish brogue?

For those of you writing or wanting to write poetry, you might find it fun to write a poem in Scottish brogue to share at your upcoming Burns Supper!


The Selkirk Grace


Some hae meat and canna eat,

And some wad eat that want it;

But we hae meat, and we can eat

Sae let the Lord be thankit.


Robert Burns

Poetry Healing Balm?

Thank You Heaton Publications Blog Readers! Thank you, Dear Heaton Publications Blog Readers, for your sticking with us, now in our fourth year publishing our Blog. Our New Year’s 2020 wishes to each of you are for a happy, healthy, sustainable Two Thousand and Twenty! We will continue to write on the topics of Poetry, Parks and Planet, the first post of this New Year dealing with poetry, specifically: 

Can poetry be the healing balm that you’ve been searching for? 

Can Poetry Be The Healing Balm?


Can poetry be the healing balm that you’ve been searching for?

Vicki Field has answered that in our first post out the door;

Like many/most/all needing to replace divisive, incessant heartburn,

She chose instead to write a poem with love replacing the churn.


© Forrest W. Heaton 2 January 2020


Vicki & David Field are friends living in Fearrington Village, NC, the neighborhood from which Mary & I moved in 2019 to our apartment in Galloway Ridge (just a stone’s throw between the two.) We opened our 2019 blog posts with a 5Jan19 post entitled Twice the Lift which featured the Field’s practice of giving a Christmas gift of David’s chocolate chip cookies with an accompanying poem by Vicki. Our purpose was to encourage you Dear Readers to consider occasionally writing and including a poem with a gift you’re giving to someone—thus the gift and the poem creating “twice the lift.” 



We heard from readers that they liked the idea. Thus, it seems only appropriate to open this year in the same manner. In 2013, we self-published an eBook entitled The Sixty-Minute Poet available on Amazon for $9.95 that teaches the reader in a brief 60-minutes how to write a poem. Although you don’t need to read our book to begin or improve your poem-writing, it might help. We asked Vicki how she began her poetry-writing. Her answer is inspiring: “My Christmas poems began after my Mom died, at age 95, leaving us with a hole in our hearts and a folder of her original, and beloved, family Christmas poems. As a tribute, I kept the practice alive, crafting little poems as gifts for family and friends. Now, each Christmas, as David (aka Mr. Field…) bakes up over 1000 chocolate chip cookies to give as gifts, I keep Mom close and bravely pen a poem to accompany them!” 

Here is Vicki’s Christmas 2019 poem to accompany David’s cookies:


Christmas, 2019


Lying, cheating, unending scandal!

The locked horns and venom are too much 

to handle.

Our hearts are torn. Our brains are fried.

We’re tired of asking, “Why, why, why?”


D turns on the oven and mixes the batter!

He pours chocolate chips. 

Our hearts pitter patter.


For baking and wrapping and sending 

sweet treats

to people we love always defeats

life’s dangerous curves, and valleys of fear.

And serves up a spark of bright 

holiday cheer.


So, know that this gift is a gift for us too.

It opens our hearts.

affirming what’s true.


Sending love to savor!

Vicki and David

David cookies.png

Auld Lang Syne

It is the time of year again for us to reprise our prior year’s blog post giving readers/singers a bit of history about the poem/song Auld Lang Syne (and a bit of help with the lyrics). 


Do y’ know what y’ll be singin’ this comin’ Tuesday night at midnight? 


Aye, if y’ like most, it’ll be Auld Lang Syne.  But, ask aroun’: few will know it’s a poem by a fellow named Robert Burns.  An’ fewer still will know what all the words mean.  Read this brief post and impress y’ friends!

Robert Burns (1759-1796) is recognized as Scotland’s greatest poet and greatest son (most recognized, most revered).  In addition to writing original poetry and songs, he was also a superb collector of earlier Scottish poetry and songs.  Scholars feel Auld Lang Syne is based on earlier Scottish poems/songs but is mostly Burn’s poetry.  Having written the poem in 1788, he then put the poem to a widely recognized Scottish folk song and published it in 1792.  Not only did it become instantly popular in Scotland (where their New Year’s Eve celebration is called Hogmanay), but it quickly spread around the world as revelers sang out the old year and in the new.  Different resources offer varying lyrics; those we’ve presented here are (we feel) close to Burns’ original intent as well as close to what you hear sung today.  (We’ve put in parentheses in a few spots a brief description in English what his Scottish brogue was saying.)


AULD LANG SYNE (Old long since, long long ago, days gone by, old times)



SHOULD AULD ACQUAINTANCE BE FORGOT, (Should old acquaintances/old times be forgotten,)

AND NEV-ER BROT TO MIN? (And never brought to mind?)





FOR AULD LANG SYNE, MY DEAR, (For the sake of old times, my dear/my friend/my friends,)


WE’LL TAK’ A CUP O’ KIND-NESS YET, (We’ll take a cup of kindness yet,)




WE TWO HAE RUN ABOUT THE BRAES, (We two have run about the slopes,)

AND PU’D THE GOWANS FINE; (And picked the daisies fine;)

BUT WE’VE WANDER’D MONY A WEARY FOOT (But we’ve wandered many a weary foot,)

SIN’ AULD LANG SYNE. (For/since auld lang syne.)



WE TWO HAE PAIDL’T I’ THE BURN, (We two have paddled in the stream,)


BUT SEAS BETWEEN US BRAID HAE ROAR’D, (But seas between us broad have roared,)




AND SURELY YE’LL BE YOUR PINT-STOUP, (And surely you’ll buy your pint cup,)

AND SURELY I’LL BE MINE; (And surely I’ll buy mine;)





AND HERE’S A HAND, MY TRUST-Y FRIEN’, (And here’s a hand my trusty friend,)

AND GIE’S A HAND O’ THINE; (And give me a hand of thine;)





New Year.jpeg